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For this project you will be working in groups together about hot topics involving civil rights in the classroom. It will be up to your group to research specific cases, and learn from previous court cases to come up with your very own court decision! You will learn about all the people involved in court cases, and how the decisions have affected history!

Here you will be putting your brain into a time warp....sort of. You will be creating a journal about what it might have been like to move westward! You will be answering questions like "Who will I take with me?" "What will I need to bring?" At the end of this project you will see that traveling, and westward expantion was not as easy as one might would think.

Classroom Projects.


Here we are! Learning about all things history! On this page you will find all of the fun projects we will be doing this year! Some of these projects are more detailed than others, and you may have many questions, and that is okay! I will be sure to cover each project in great detail in class as we begin each and everyone. However, you can go ahead and me gather materials and ideas you might need to complete the projects succesfully! So go ahead and take a gander at all the fun you will be having this year!

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